
Cat Latest Works
Okay, the cat’s out of the bag...

I’ll share what I’ve been up to this year! Together with Peter Neri, a technical writer, classical guitarist, accomplished musician and singer/songwriter, I have been concentrating on completing our full-length musical entitled Cups Half Full. We are currently in the process of staging for production and theatrical performance.

But, until you can enjoy the live play on stage, check out the photos of the recording now posted on my site! Thanks again to all the talented people who helped us with the reading: Rob, Sharon, Debi, Wayne, Gary, Ashley, Joanne. Not only was the reading and recording top-notch, we had a blast doing it!

Cups Half Full ©2010
Music and Lyrics by Peter Neri and Mark Platt
Book by Peter Neri, Mark Platt and Joanne Platt
Genre: Musical drama/comedy
Audience: PG-13

Cups Half Full is a modern-day musical that highlights one family’s struggles in hard economic times. Not strictly a drama, and not strictly a comedy, Cups Half Full embraces both genres to describe this tale of 21st-century American life, love and triumph.

From fun-filled rollicking songs that poke fun at everyday American life (RushRushRush, Work Like a Jerk, Can’t Do (Shhhh) About It, Mighty Meat Parade, Waitin’ in Line, ShouldHaveWouldHaveCouldHave), to hard-edged rock numbers (Factory Man, Brain Drain, So Different), to heart-felt ballads (Dreaming of Home, How Do You Make an Entrance, There Go I, Seasons), the story of the Sharps is told and sung in a sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes emotional way that underscores the struggle of never-ending adjustments that we all need to make in our ever-changing world. Ending on a positive and hopeful note, you will find yourself humming or singing any one of the unforgettable numbers in this musical long after you leave the performance. With no swearing, sex or sexual innuendos, Cups Half Full is scripted as clean, fun, family entertainment despite its dramatic circumstances.

Mark and Peter Neri happy to have the final version of Cups Half Full completed!

site design by Media Arts Center
all photos by Joanne Platt